How much notice must a solicitor give his client about a motion coming before court.


Registered User
Hello, can someone give me advice - How much time beforehand does a solicitor have to give his client about a motion that is coming before the courts?
As soon as he hears about it.

But based on your previous posts there is a great deal more to your query than meets the eye.

Thanks mf1 for replying.

I note what you say.

That would mean then that if the solicitor looks for the motion himself then he is aware of the motion at a very early stage and therefore there should be no reason why the client could not be informed well in advance of the motion date.

Do written rules exist related to this issue?
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depends on what is sought in the motion.

Many are a routine part of litigation and do not need the clients attendance - in most cases any necessary evidence is filed by affidavit.
Hello nuac - clients attendance may not be necessary at some motions but should'nt the client be at least told by the solicitor that there is a motion coming before the courts?
Depends on the Motion but generally most don't require client's attendence or indeed input.