How much is it to service a citroen Zara Picasso? Aone got any ideas?

Depends on a lot of things television - year, frequency of previous services, previous service history, any particular problems at present, main dealer/independent/nixer mechanic etc.

Without further info, Anything from €80 to €800 really.

I kind of realise that. I was thinking base price say 200 etc. I know there is add ins depending in what is needed.
I kind of realise that.


Well, assuming no more than 5 years old, serviced regularly, no current problems or major work/replacements required:

Around €200 from an independent sounds about right. About 40% more for a main dealer and 40% less for a nixer.
...and it's "Xsara", not "Zara".
Hopefully it's not your car or I'd be more worried about your driving if you can't even spell the name of your own car !
You know they really should put a car spelling test as part of a licence test. Sorry Pique318 but in the history of completly stupid, inane and downright boring comments your last comment has to be right up there.
You know they really should put a car spelling test as part of a licence test. Sorry Pique318 but in the history of completly stupid, inane and downright boring comments your last comment has to be right up there. What a complete muppet.
Riiiight...and here I was thinking that personal insults are against the rules of AAM..oh hang on

I assume you are (a) an adult, and (b) the owner of said vehicle. As such, complete disregard for the proper spelling of the car model (not just a misspelling) is akin to 'text speak' and is shoddy and lazy, but you still want an answer from the rest of us ?

Here's a tip...ring SitRon and ask him !

Do you not think you are being just a little pedantic, bordering on being kind of passive aggressive? Do you seriously have nothing better to do than to reply to my request for information in such a mean spirited manner?

The irony is that you seem so put out by my spelling of the word Xsara but you have no understanding at how rude you were being in your answer. In spelling the word in the way I did, I did not set out to deliberately insult. By responding in that manner you obviously did.

Secondly your attempt to speak for the "rest of us" is being a little bit presumptuous of other people’s attitudes. In other words speak for yourself.

I see that you’re averse to "text speak" maybe you could extend that sense of distain to the use of lazy and over used emotes i.e. . Finally, your further passive aggression- calling me cheap and shoddy is actually indicative of the kind of person you probably are, full of latent anger and self loathing. Why don’t you "get a life"
Look at it this way.
You post on here asking a question that could be answered in 2 minutes by a call to your local Citroen garage. You lazily misspell the name of your own car.

Those 2 things are indicative of laziness imo.

Your reaction to me commenting on it, accusing me of being rude while you blatently insult me in contravention of the rules and then trying to psychoanalyse me is pathetic. Throwing phrases like passive-aggresive' into a car thread is a little pretentious also.

Anyway, have you got your Xsara service prices?

Spelling two using the number 2 could also be regarded as lazy. I was not the one who used the thread to make a unrelated remark regarding spelling and lazyness you were.

The car is not my own car.

279 euros.
Are you two married?
Lusk motor group are an official Citroen dealer I've always found them excellent value when it comes to servicing mine...