How much for a years travelling?


Registered User
I am thinking of taking a career break for a year and was wondering how much spending money, excluding flights and international travel (but including internal USA and internal EU travel) people think I should bring for the year for hostels, three months in the USA and nine months in the EU? Anyone else taken a similar break?
I guess it depends on whether you intend on picking up a few part time jobs along the way or not..I managed to get by over 6months in Europe on 100euro a week but had a lot of friends to stay with and feed me when things were tight as they always were!

when I was travelling in Central and South America I had a budget of 1000E a month to cover hostals, food, transport (including the odd internal flight), entrance fees. That was ok for south america, but I'd imagine in US and Europe you'd need more.
Depends too on the style in which you want to travel (i.e. absolutely on a shoe-string, or allowing the odd luxury).

Enjoy your travels!
I was thinking of maybe €50 a day for everything and occasionally I will be able to stay with people I know which will cut back costs. I find the States is very cheap compared to Ireland from being on holidays there. I dont really plan any luxuries just want to get a bit of sun and have a nice break. I wont be getting any internal flights (bus and trains). Because its cheaper and not too keen on flying anyway : )
A friend of mine decided to quit her job and go travelling in Australia and America. She left in September and is planning to be away for the year so herself and her partner brought 10 grand each!! And they plan to work there as well...she has had a few jobs in Australia so far fruit picking, a cashew nut farm,Manual labour (him,not her!) ect...this is to keep her funds up rather than run really low and then panic. They plan to rent an apartment in Sydney which is apperantly cheap enough(compared to here) but weekly shopping, buses,hostel accomidation and the like do tend to eat up your finances fairly quickly! They have since bought a car(apperantly very cheap to do both in America and Australia -again compared to here) and this according to them seems to actually be saving them money!Their outlook is to go travelling but take time to enjoy the sights and experiances which is why they took 10 grand each. Although they have worked they only do this when the money suitation is low.Who wants to save &work their asses off over here only to go abroad to save and work your ass off there! Enjoy the experiance...its an adventure of a lifetime...or so im told when my friend calls me(drunk and singing)from Sunny Darwin on a monday morning!!!
Does anyone know of any job fields where its easy enough to get a visa if I wanted to work in the States if I was running short on cash?
I can't think off hand, but you can bet that this is FAQ of one of the agencies that arrange round-the-world trips. Might be best to ask there and report back here with your info for future posters. USIT? [broken link removed]. Pretend to be a styood