There is plenty of information available.The Swedish building regs had been changed to the point that a house is not allowed to be build within the range of 150m of an overland power line.The limit for NEW homes next to high voltage power lines-railways for example -is 300m.The same is for Germany,but the German railways have to do/can do a test checking for the radiation before they decide to put up protective earthed fencing.The limit for new housing is as well 300m but allowing the lower limit of 150m if the testing results would allows for it,the geography playing a role and -of course-the national interest.For older buildings there is no time limit to test for radiation unless the inhabitants demand it.And most buildings build next to railway power lines belong to the railway company.
In other non-EU countries the building regs are considering power lines as a health hazard as well.
High voltage power lines were never allowed (on the continent!) to be build above houses or next to them.Here we see them over schools,hospitals and children creches.High voltage lines are those running more than 220/230 volts,correct me if I am wrong.
On the continent you can buy wallpapers that have a build-in protective metal web, a so called Faraday cage (excuse my bad translation).These had been available before the mobile phones appeared.For the power lines you could contact the cancer society for further information.
And don't think about using a mobile phone as a child minder/baby phone!
If you want to find out if something like an electromagnetic field exists in your home you can use a cheap compass.If the compass is irritated by a signal -of a cable for example-you can be sure that there is an EMF.But this method is crude,a compass won't show you the finer fields nor their strength.
I am not an authority in the field either ,so check yourself if you want to run the may- be- not -convincing risk.
I came across the point myself when I was trekking in Iceland,a hardly at all populated area .At Myggenvatten I walked at pitch black night to the camping place and felt the very strong sensation of a ...something.The next evening the same thing at the same spot again.In the morning I investigated it,it was an underground cable(rare enough in Iceland) coming out of the ground,going into a transformer station and leaving the station again.Investigating,well,just reading the tourist guide,I found out that this transformer is supplied with under ground cables for the reason that overhead cables would spoil the view on the lake.The population had demonstrated against the transformer afraid that it might drive away the trolls and fairies....
I neither saw the cable nor the lake nor the transformer station late in the evening but the EMF was certainly there.And believe me,Myggenvatten is as a "dry" place you hardly find elsewhere...