how much do you spend on engagement ring?

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how much do i spend?

We building a house at the moment so budjet is tight sorry for sounding like a tight ass, maybe get a small one and we can upgrade later?
we paid around €400 for an antique ring.

you basically pay what you can afford. I can't understand people paying huge amounts of money for wedding & engagemnet rings. the money paid for the ring doesn't represent the love you have for each other.

pay what you can afford.
Lots of jewellers are having sales at the moment- I'd look out for those..also going north may save you a bit( it did for us but we went when sterling was quite cheap- it's climbing back all the time now).I saw ad on tv yesterday for jeweller in Belfast with big sale..
I think though you should be happy with what you're buying- whatever you're paying -because to be honest I can't see how you can up grade later ...I dont mean that in a bad way at all and maybe it depends on the person- you can always buy other rings -amazing, expensive etc...but still to me anyway my engagement ring is my engagement ring and I can't imagine ever changing it...that doesnt mean however, that you should go mad and buy the biggest, brightest etc...
If you want to talk depends on what your means...everyone thinks differently and times being what they are now perhaps if I said no more than €2000...some people will think that's crazy to spend on a ring while to others this is very me even at height of boom this is the most I could bear to spend on a ring...
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