How much do you pay for neighbourhood watch


Registered User
Just had a couple of ladies knock on my door about joining the neighboor watch.

Good idea i thought as 2 shops in the shopping centre which are a 2 min walk from my house have been robbed in the last month, several cars have been broken into or vandalised. The guards patrol my estate nearly every night, always on a weekend, there seems to be a beacon somewhere near ( i have tried looking for it) that sends of signals to all the teenagers in the area and says "come and drink here till 12-1am in the morning, smash bottled all over the ground, scream, shout and hit each other as much as you like"

However i was then told that i would have to pay €10 a month to be a part of this. When i asked what the €10 a month went towards i didn't get much of a reply. Mumbled a load of crap for about 2 mins, which i understood none of. But they said something about a sticker for my window!!!

I eventually said i would think about it and get back to not the right thing to say, i was looked at as though i had 2 heads!!

Half mumbling again as they walked down the path they also said something else. Now i didn't fully get it all because their backs were turned to me but it was something like " untill you are a member, no help can be given if anything happens to your property"

Does this mean if my neighbour across the road see's someone trying to break into my house, before they call the guards, they first look for my sticker? Or Check the list to see if i'm paying, see that i'm not on the list so go back and watch eastenders and do nothing?

I've never heard of having to pay to be in a neighbourhood watch before.

There are at least 250 if not more houses in my estate. That's alot of money if everyone signed up to this.

Thats 30k a year!!! I should of asked are we going to employ our own guard to patrol the estate each night!!

What on earth would you spend 2.5k on a month? Or have stickers really become that expensive?
Thanks for that, didn't know that myself. Will ask if they have been approached by anyone in the area. Just sounds a bit much to pay €10 a month for, when i dont even know what this money is going towards.
Would imagine that your local community garda would be interested to hear about this very unusual scheme.

Did they identify themselves, tell you how the money would be collected, where it would be lodged, who would keep the records, give some idea of how it would be spent and approx. how many houses had already signed up?
Nor have I.

Agree, we dont pay for neighbouyhood watch and I dont know anyone who does.

Are you sure this isnt a scam? I remember there was a guy who used to go around various estates in my area collecting money for the residents association - had nothing to do with it, was just taking advantage of the fact that a lot of people will hand over small amounts of money without questioning anything.
Are you sure that they weren't proposing that you join the RA, and avail of neighbourhood watch through it? from your post, you don't really say what they sadi, other than 'mumbling'. Surely you established something from the conversation?
I've never heard of paying for neighbourhood watch. The local Gardai can supply those stickers.
Report the 2 ladies to your Neighbourhood Watch as a scam and see what happens...;)
I didn't know either of these ladies, so for all i know they dont even live in the area.

What's RA?

All they really said was about the local break in's, the anti-social behaviour with the teenagers over the weekend and people's cars being broken into.

I live in a sort of cul-da-sac and there's only really 2 houses including my self on it, then there is a walk way ( not meant to be there according to plans) and then there's about 3-4 houses on the other side that are effected.

They all gather there to drink, talk what ever cause they can see when the guards are coming then they can run through that walk way and the guards cant catch them, there is no way of driving through you would have to go around several other estates to get to the other side which would take 4-5 mins.

I haven't asked any of my close neighbours yet but i did ask a girl who lives the other end of the estate and she said no one has called to her, she said she has heard one might be set up but said she heard that we had to wait untill the council takes control of the area. Not really sure why that is?
There shouldn't be any ongoing cost associated with neighbourhood watch. There may be some startup costs in getting signs put up at the entrances to the estate.

I haven't asked any of my close neighbours yet but i did ask a girl who lives the other end of the estate and she said no one has called to her, she said she has heard one might be set up but said she heard that we had to wait untill the council takes control of the area. Not really sure why that is?

Our estate hasn't been taken over by the council, but we still have a neighbourhood watch scheme in place.
I have noticed groups of ladies walking around several housing estates lately usually in 2's or 3's like a tag team at the doors.
I thought they were a religious order when I first noticed them in a clients estate. Then a similar group (no idea if the same women) went around our estate. I have a 'GRRRR!!!' notice on the door so not even a leaflet gets left in the letterbox!
Wonder if it is some low entry level scam? BTW were they looking for a cash payment upfront or is all through DD??
I'm not sure if they wanted the money upfront there and then or how they wanted the monthly payments to be made. Either way they wern't going to get anything from me.

I spoke to my next door neighbour and said no one has knocked on his door as yet.

I think it was a scam to try and get the €10 up front. They probably go to large estates as less chance of people knowing every person that lives there.
Ask them for a loan fo €30 for the first three payments and that you'll pay them back. see what they say :D
It should still be reported to the local community garda to make them aware of this possible scam just in case any neighbours do agree to it.
Half mumbling again as they walked down the path they also said something else. Now i didn't fully get it all because their backs were turned to me but it was something like " untill you are a member, no help can be given if anything happens to your property"

That sounds a bit like a threat to me. I would definitely inform the guards.
Neighbourhood Watch was set up on my road over 10 years ago and was completely free, the police supplied an information pack and stickers at no charge. Things may have changed a bit, but it would definitely make me suspicious if someone called at the door looking for money without any official documentation.

I have a 'GRRRR!!!' notice on the door so not even a leaflet gets left in the letterbox!
I would love to know what your sign says exactly (surely it's not simply "GRRRR!!!"?!) as it seems to have just the deterrent effect I would like.