How many pints would the average man have to drink to be over the drink driving limit


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How many pints would the average man have to drink to be over the drink driving limit,
Re: How many to be over the limit

How many pints would the average man have to drink to be over the drink driving limit,

Depends on lots of things like height, weight , how much you drink normally....

the simple answer is none... don't risk it , unless you can do without your driving license for two years...
Re: How many to be over the limit

Depends on lots of things like height, weight , how much you drink normally....

the simple answer is none... don't risk it , unless you can do without your driving license for two years...
The question is not about me drinking while driving that is s big no no for me, that is why I asked what the average person ie average weight,height ,thanks anyway
Re: How many pints would the average man have to drink to be over the drink driving l

How many pints would the average man have to drink to be over the drink driving limit,

According to enough to make any of the following true...
Section 49 of the Road Traffic Act 1961 as inserted by Section 10 of the Road Traffic Act 1994 created four separate drink driving offences in Ireland. These offences are as follows:
• An offence of driving or attempting to drive a mechanically propelled vehicle in a public place while under the influence of an intoxicant to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of the vehicle. (Section 49(1));
• An offence of driving or attempting to drive a mechanically propelled vehicle in a public place while there is present in your body a quantity of alcohol such that, within three hours after so driving or attempting to drive, the concentration of alcohol in your blood exceeds a concentration of 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100millilitres of blood. (Section 49(2));
• An offence of driving or attempting to drive a mechanically propelled vehicle in a public place while there is present in your body a quantity of alcohol such that, within three hours after so driving or attempting to drive, the concentration of alcohol in your body exceeds a concentration of 107 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of urine. (Section 49(3));
• An offence of driving or attempting to drive a mechanically propelled vehicle in a public place while there is present in your body a quantity of alcohol such that, within three hours after so driving or attempting to drive, the concentration of alcohol in your breath exceeds a concentration of 35 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath. (Section 49(4)).

But it is a how long is a piece of string question because of all the contributing factors, strength of beer, time since consumption, whether food was consumed, persons weight, metabolic rate, how it was consumed, etc...
One could be enough for some...
Re: How many pints would the average man have to drink to be over the drink driving l

The average man metabolises about one unit of alcohol an hour. A pint contains about two units. Assuming the average metabolic rate applies, you can drink half a pint an hour.
Re: How many pints would the average man have to drink to be over the drink driving l

You may get your answer on the .