How Many Irish Property Economists Does it Take To ?



...change a lightbulb.

One. The Irish Property Economist just sits there holding the lightbulb while the whole world revolves around him !
I predict this thread has a potential lifespan of <1hr in it's current location.
you've been saying that for the last hour shnaek and it's not happened it's OBVIOUSLY never going to happen :) LOL
It only lasted that long because there was Hosting 365 had an outage. AAM was down for 45 minutes.

Brendan said:
It only lasted that long because there was Hosting 365 had an outage. AAM was down for 45 minutes.

It was a disaster, it took out about half of the sites I'm on at lunch time!
How Many Irish Property Economists Does it Take To Change a light bulb?

1. What bulb? there is no bulb.

2. Two, one to change the bulb, and another one to make sure that if the first one falls of the ladder that he has a soft landing.