How many electricians does it take to change a lightbulb?

You have presented these quotes in a way that implies that they were actual Labour Court findings, that's a total misrepresentation of the facts. Maybe you should be working for the Irish Times
I genuinely didn't intend to misrepresent anyone, though I can see how the context may not have been clear.
So what are you saying? What is your opinion?
OK, I'll try it a 3rd time as you didn't seem to get it the first two times. The only think I know for sure is that I don't know enough about the detail of this issue to come to overall judgement.
Do you think the public is entitled to form an opinion or should they just do as the unions say 'cause they are the experts?
All the answers to these important questions are in my earlier posts. I never suggested that the public is not entitled to form an opinion. I did suggest that it is a little silly to base those opinions on tabloid headlines. I never suggested that anyone should 'do as the unions say'. I simply pointed out that there are two sides to every story. It really is that simple.
How many elecricians.............?

Well, if it's a screw fitting bulb, and the electrician's from Cork - only one.

He just holds up the bulb & the world revolves around him.

(allegedly )

I thought here in Ireland it was four - one to change the bulb and three to sing about the auld one ?
I might be wrong but I seem to remember that craft workers (fitters, electricians etc) in the Public Service were not part of the benchmarking arrangement.