How many areas of this site do you post in?


Registered User
Realy I only post here and letting off steam. Definitly over 90% of my posts and time here.

I've a few posts in work forum and anything else realy is from 2009 and before.

I read the money makeover threads but read ten and you've read pretty much them all. And some of those threads would drive you mad with stupid spending habits and lack of commen sense so I step away and never post what I realy think.
I can't remember the last time I viewed a thread on house buying or ever head over to Budget 2011 forum

Do you read and contribute everywhere?
Or maybe like myself not realy posting any serious posts, just having a laugh and the occasional rant here in the Depths? :)
Do you read and contribute everywhere?
Or maybe like myself not realy posting any serious posts, just having a laugh and the occasional rant here in the Depths? :)

I read all over, but I only post where I have some kind of relevant knowledge to impart. Which isnt everywhere!!
I read all over but most posts are probably in the 2 x General sections like yourself.

I have posted quite a bit recently in the Budget 2011 one, and in the past probably in nearly 75% of other forums in some form or other.