How Low Can We Go?: FORMER county councillor has been given a 2 y suspended sentence


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May 2010:

A FORMER county councillor has been given a two-year suspended sentence for the sexual assault of a 16 year old boy in a hotel bedroom.

The offence occurred during a major vocational education conference at which the councillor was a delegate.

At around 10.30pm as the injured party was returning from his break, he met Vesey near the lift area. The young man, who was just two weeks short of his 17th birthday, accompanied Vesey to the councillor's upper floor bedroom, being under the impression the accused needed his help.
However, in the bedroom the accused loosened the buttons on his shirt and took off his tie. He started to kiss the teenager on the neck and also to squeeze his buttocks.

He also opened the teen's trousers. The teenager asked him to stop and he did. When he got to the lower floor -- 17 minutes after entering the lift with Vesey -- the teenager reported the matter.

Judge Carroll Moran said the seriousness of the offence merited a prison sentence, and he imposed two years, suspended for two years. Vesey has also has been placed on the sex offenders register for five years.

Feb 2010:

MORE than 60 people were jailed for failing to stump up court fines after they were caught without a TV licence last year.

Ah yeah 'proud to be Oirish'
Disgusting and disgusted!!
Yet not a bit surprised..sadly this along with this concurrent sentences is an absolute disgrace.
For example where two people are murdered, the sentences run at the same time!
As someone on the radio said the other day,its murder one,get one free..
There is no incentive not to commit more than one offence.
Take someone who rapes ,robs and murders, they would be charged with all three,sentenced to time for all three,yet if they get "life"(probably less than ten years),thats it,thats all the time they have to serve!
Two polish men were murdered,the guy who was charged with both murders was given a concurrent sentence,so basically he got away with killing one of them.
Law is an ass,in this type of situation at least.

I have to say that I agree strongly with your points about concurrent sentences. I've always regarded them as an absolute joke.

In defence of the judge in the above case, however, he did say that the councillor had lost his seat, lost many of his friends, suffered public humiliation and had paid compensation to the victim. Maybe sometimes enough is enough...............

But not in the case of murder or manslaughter, in my opinion.
I've always thought that sentencing should be done by the jury - afterall trial by jury is the core of the justice system. Judge could advise jury that for a particular offence, the legislation says the penalty is e.g. 2-5 years in prison. Jury should decide within this range.
Sexual crimes, especially those perpetrated against children, are treated as minor offenses in this country. Our judiciary should be utterly ashamed of themselves. How many times have we heard of men getting suspended sentences after being found guilty of child sexual assault?
Rape is almost as bad as murder. Those found guilty of it should spend a minimum of 10 years in prison. The rape of a child, especially a young child, should result in 20-30 years in prison.
Priests getting away with child abuse:
[broken link removed]
Second example
Plenty more [broken link removed].
[broken link removed]

Another example of ludicrous sentencing. Mitigating factors - shes foreign? Get real. So, if I'm foreign I can do whatever it is that takes my fancy and then use it as a defence?? If you're foreign and lonely, go home, don't start killing little children.
This could all be resolved via mandatory sentencing. What do you have to do in this country to be sent to prison for any considerable lenght of time?

Yesterday, Sean Keogh was sentenced to 4 years for kicking Pawel Kalite for kicking in the head as he was dying. Sean Keogh had 75 prior convictions and was out on bail while he committed the offence. The 2 females involved who were complicit in the murder were not eve charged!!!! What does someone actually have to do to be sent to prison for any considerable amount of time?
In defence of the judge in the above case, however, he did say that the councillor had lost his seat, lost many of his friends, suffered public humiliation and had paid compensation to the victim. Maybe sometimes enough is enough...............

Have to disagree mo chara, When will this country ever get real about the abuse of minors. We're just getting over the 'Catholic Church' debacle and still things get no better. He lost his job, some of his friends etc but still a free man - This is the same person who was found guilty and pleaded guillty to sexually offending a child. Until the proper legislation is put in place to govern this type of horrid behaviour with real authority and severe penalties of imprisonment (not suspended sentences) this will re-occur time and time again. When will we ever learn from past mistakes
There were other mitigating factors mentioned, most seriously that she had been raped by a group of men at the age of 14 and had suffered violence at the hands of the child's father. I'm not saying that makes it okay, but no one said that simply being 'foreign' excused the act.

I hope i don't offend anyone by saying this... but i don't give a monkeys about her mitigating factors!!. She killed her child. For having what we refer to in our house as a "small accident".... This post will be deleted if not edited immediately wept.
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So what do you think is the root cause here? How did it come to happen that she came to do something that is absolutely abhorrent to you and me?
Where was the proof provided in relation to these mitigating factors? it always seems that the defending counsel can bring up these things without any proof being provided which just seems wrong.
It's happened in a number of cases, particularly where women have alleged beatings from the husbands/partners they've murdered without any proof provided.