How long will the corrib protests go on?


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Given the recent goings on around Glengad, what are the opinions of the general population on the hunger strike, rossport 5, unruly fishermen, and the tree huggers? And Shell of course
easy - we are being sold down the river by our useless government - give it to Shell - save us having to do something useful with 50 odd billion - how many mahons would we get for that? I am 100% behind ANY action that protects our people and our resources.
I am 100% behind ANY action that protects our people and our resources.


When the council uses a CPO to take land from ordinary tax payers and gives it to a private company like Shell, you really have to wonder...
I behind this as well just to think we gave our natural resources away to Shell for little or nothing. I cant understand anyone defending Shell and then the goverment backs CPO private land to extract it.
It will cut our dependence on foreign gas and might just help to keep prices down.

The Mayo electorate gave their verdict on the issue last year. Jerry Cowley lost his seat and Michael Ring changed his position to supporting it.
I reckon that most people (including myself) supported the protesters at the outset, until the usual suspects got involved and spread the issue to one of "I don't work, so I should be given an equal share of the country's wealth" mentality.

At this stage, the locals have painted themselves into a corner by association with various moaners and Norn Iron whingers. They got their wish -- the pipeline route was changed, so now they need to shut up and move on.
I don't know much about this situation apart for the few headlines I've seen. From what some people are posting it seems the general consensus is the government are giving this resource away for free with no benefit to the Exchequer! Surly this cannot be true, does anybody know to what extent the government will benefit in tax revenue etc? The other point worth making is that if a big multi-nationals with the ware-with-all such as shell were not to remove and refine this resource, who else could.
I dont think that its being given away for free - isnt there a license fee and % of revenue that is given to the Government for all oil/gas extracted from our territory?

I think that the attitude and composition of the protesters has turned a lot of people off. I remember them blocking rush hour traffic in Dublin with a bunch of obviously bused in protestors, from the usual left wing groups, many of whom weren't even Irish, when loads of people were trying to get home from work - and then giving abuse to anyone who wouldnt take a leaflet etc. from them. End result was that they antagonised 100,000s people against them.

The impression I have is that these protests are nothing got to do with Mayo - just a bunch of left wing anti-everything crusty protestors using it as a vehicle for their political views.
I heard on the radio today that the protestors have cost the taxpayer 11 million euro in Garda overtime this year. I am for the gas being brought someone else said "It will cut our dependence on foreign gas and might just help to keep prices down."
I fail to see how it will keep prices down? Oil is a global commodity, if Shell can sell the oil to Germany for $90/barrel why would they sell it in Ireland for $50?
I can't understand whay we haven't done it like Norway. We OWN the gas, they can extract it but buy it from us at a preferable rate, or we throw them a few dollars a cubic metre for it if we wanna keep it.
I can't understand whay we haven't done it like Norway. We OWN the gas, they can extract it but buy it from us at a preferable rate, or we throw them a few dollars a cubic metre for it if we wanna keep it.

Comparison to Norway when talking about oil and gas is crazy. Norway has reserves of 84.3 trillion cubic feet ,the Corrib field is about 1Tf so around 1% of the size of Norway's reserves. Because of the size of their oil and gas reserves the Norwegian government was able to build their own company to exploit the reseves. Ireland does not have the knowledge or ability to extract the gas. To develop this knowledge would probably cost more than the corrib field is worth. We need companies like Shell and Statoil to extract the gas. Now I don't know what deal the Irish government has cut with Shell+Statoil but I would expect that it was the best deal they could.

Does anyone have the exact details of the deal?

Because the price of a commodity is linked to supply and demand. We should not as a country be 100% reliant on imported fossil fuels.
At the peak the Corrib field is expected to produce 60% of . That would be around 0.09% additional supply to the How much do you think that will impact the price of gas?