how long to register UK car for tax


Registered User
I am thinking of bringing in a UK car and paying VRT, how long does the whole process take to getting it registered for Tax, the reason I ask is that I have heard that there is a delay in VRT office and wanted to know if bought before July (because tax would be less that if registered after) how long should you leave to get it registered for VRT and to ensure that the Road Tax is off the pre July scale.
It takes a very short time. Maybe 30 mins. 1 form.

How could anyone be expected to know about the length of the queue? :D
How could anyone be expected to know about the length of the queue? :D

Well, I would think it could be worked out by looking at the number of people in front and behind you.

3 people in front of you and nobody behind you = short queue (in my opinion)

78 people in front of you and 26 behind you = big queue.

And there would be various sizes in between.

When you say "It takes 1 day." I though you meant a whole day.