How long to process house purchase?


Registered User
Hi folks, How long does it take (on average) to process the purchase of a home? We've paid the contract deposit and the loan approved. From this point how much longer must we wait to occupy the house?
It depends on the situation. Is it new or second hand, is there a chain and what is the situation with that?

If everything else is in order it "usually" takes about 2 weeks from when the solicitor requests the cheque to be drawn down to when you actually get keys.
Thanks fellas.... this is a 2nd hand house. The monies are ready to go nothing to delay monies on our end. But the Seller's Solicitor is also the Executor of the estate as the owner of the property died shortly after completion of his dream home and it sat vacant for a while now, heartbreaking story. We're just anxious, excited and sitting around the packed up house full of boxes staring at the phone like Bridget Jones.

There also seems to be a problem with the title of the property. Two brothers bought the property 30 years ago but in typical 'country-casual' method they never bothered dealing with the title stuff. The planning permission was granted in the correct brothers name but even though the 'land' title was being processed correctly at the land registry office it was not completed before the demise of the owner. There is no internal family conflict over this issue...BUT as all else seems to be sorted we kinda hoped to move in while the title is being sorted as this may take months?

What kind of legal 'occupancy' vehicle should we use rather then a straight 'tenacy' contract?
In my experience it's between 1-3 months. It is unusual for it to take longer that that.

Best of luck with your home purchase!!!!

Linda - Home in Tahoe ... [broken link removed]
I assume your solicitor made sure these title issues were sorted out before you signed the contract, so they shouldn't cause you undue delay.... hopefully!

6-12 weeks wouldn't be unusual, although I'd expect it could be shorter if the house is unoccupied (i.e. no "delaying tactics" as the owners sort out their own move).
Two issues- a grant has to be obtained to the owners estate before closing - only your solicitor can ascertain how far along this is.

Secondly the title is not registered, ordinarily this would not delay completion but here sounds like there is an issue, not clear exactly what that is so again only your solicitor can advise.

Normally closing a house purchase 6 to 8 weeks nowadays, closed one a few weeks ago within 5 days ( that was with clients hand delivering papers between offices and both vendors solicitor and purchasers solicitor dealing with it as priority due to hardship of client).
Im not sure with a house but took us 9 weeks to own our land.