How long to close sale?


Registered User
Just wondered if anyone could advise me as to how long it takes for a sale to close after contracts are signed. We are selling to FTB and we are buying a new build thats already built but needs to be fitted out and snagged. Have asked solicitor but she is very vague and wont even give an approximate timeframe, thanks!!
The answer from your solicitor is very strange. If they are too busy - tough. You should of been told this at the time of engaging their use. Remember you won't be given discount for been messed about. In the terms of a sale of a property, most of the legal work is done at exchange time. The completion date is normally agreed between the vendor and the purchaser -simple as that. I have seen circumstances where then exchange and completion have occurred on the same day. Remember, you are paying your solicitor - they aren't paying you. If you are unable to get a reply or they are messing about refer the matter to the Law Society. Why. Oh Why are people afraid to ask and demand their legal eagles. Get ALL answers in writing.
From contracts signed by buyers you should be within 6 - 8 weeks from closing. Maybe sooner but usually at least 8. Unfortunately many hic-ups can lie ahead from mortgage red tape, solicitors corresponding, title queries etc..etc.. But you might be one of the lucky ones.