How long should it that any bank to trace a bank draft.

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Rightly dun

Anybody know how long it takes to trace a crossed STG bank draft and what info should you get back.
Well you my be surprised that I requested this information back in January 2006 and I got the following information in September 2007. I am enclosing copies of the Bank Drafts which appear to have been lodged to the AIB Bank 54, Lombard Street.
There is no AIB Bank in Lombard Street.
The drafts were for STG150,000 and STG 140,000. Anybody need any wall knocked down cause i'm almost finished banging my head off the ones at my house.
I have been away for a few weeks, have I been Blacklisted or is everyone watching the game. any comments
Exactly what information are you looking for? you know the dates you purchased the drafts?

I want to know what bank theses drafts were logded or cashed, as they were made out to a Limited Company they should be able to tell me this. Not trying to be smart, I know the time place date and I have photocopies of them.
If you have photocopies it should show you the Bank that they were lodged to because they would be branded either on the front or back....your bank should then be able to get clarification from that Bank as to what account they were lodged shouldn't be that hard...
Sorry I keep losing my connection .
The problem is that the Drafts were drawn on my Solicitors Client Account, if it had been my own, my bank would tell me over the phone. My solicitor has requested this information several times and still we know nothing. I have given both my solicitor and the bank until lunch time tomorrow to tell me or I will make one hell of a demonstration in the bank tomorrow, will probably get arrested but I have had enough of them. As I said I am looking for this information since January 2006.
They are branded so many times one over the other it makes no sense
I should also say the bank has had a vist from the Fraud Squad.
The reason I don’t care about getting arrested is I can go no further with this, I have two judgements against the company and they have no assets and in the last three years have moved any personal assets into some many different companies I can not sue all these different entities.

So Iam looking for the bank that cashed the drafts to go after them.
One of my judgements was highlighted in a couple of papers and in stubbs but if I say when it identifies me and the Company.
Sorry have to go somewhere will answer any comments tomorrow if I don’t get locked up or worse.
It's not by any means obvious from the above that you have a right against the bank which you say "cashed" the drafts. A UK bank never in my experience cashes drafts. And it always ensures (should ensure!!) that a cheque payable to a limited company is paid into an account of that company. If the bank credited the drafts in good faith to an account of a Limited company named by you as the payee on the draft, then I cannot see any negligence on the part of that bank.

You state that the drafts were drawn on your Solicitor Clients Account - that can't be the case - either its a draft drawn on a bank or are they cheques drawn on your Solicitors Clients Account?

Either way I'd suspect your Solicitor (and their bank) are at the mercy of the bank that the Ltd Co actually lodged the items in, in terms of confirming to what account they were actually lodged. It's not clear from your post how long ago the actual transactions took place - could it be that they go back beyond the timeframe for keeping such information?

Hope you get to the bottom of it.



Probably Lombard Street London
Gulliver Thank you for your comment.
That’s exactly what I am trying to find out, that the Drafts were lodged to the account that they were payable too and if they were then there is no problem. But the withholding of this information only leads me to believe that they did not .
Bank Manager
A mortgage broker arranged a loan for me and my solicitor drew down the loan. On my instructions he went to his bank and arranged to get two Bank Drafts, and they were paid for with the money he had drawn down. Theses draft would have had to come back to the Bank and they would have to know where they were lodged, its as simple as that.
The date on the drafts is the 30th of July 2004.Does that answer your point.
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