How long for contracts


Uuuh Patsy

Can anybody tell me how long it should take for my solicitor to send out contracts for the sale of my home. Its been 4 weeks since he requested the deeds. I have no idea what other things have to be done, but I am feeling like I am getting the run around. Thanks

Not all that long once he has the deeds but it can take a week or two or more to get the deeds from the financial institution(some banks are faster than others) and once he has deeds he should have contracts issued within say 5/6 working days assuming no problem with the title or outstanding documents).

Does the solicitor have to physically have the deeds in his/her possesion before drawing up and sending out the contract?
Does the solicitor have to physically have the deeds in his/her possesion before drawing up and sending out the contract?

Yup. Otherwise it would be like an accountant doing accounts without the books.
Every title is different and, whereas, you might be able to draft Contracts if you had acted before and had a lot of detail on your file, you would prefer to have Deeds ( what happens if they were lost?) in hand to check everything.

I put my booking deposit down on a second hand property two weeks ago and my solicitor contacted me today to say he received the contracts this morning, I should be able to sign on friday once i have the balance of deposit (arrrrggghhhh)! Legally i think you have 21 days from the time your sol receives the contracts but in your case you obviously want to move this along.... I dont know what happens after you sign the contracts or how long it takes before you have the keys but my estate agent reckons i should be in the house in 2/3 weeks. Really i think its a matter of pester pester pester...emails and calls to light a fire under their bottoms!

Best of luck with it all, its a very stressful but exciting time...
Thanks for you replies. He sent them out 4 weeks from first contact. Thats what you get for using the low cost route! Just hope it all goes to plan and three months from now I'll be down under.