how long for bank to issue consent for sale?


Registered User
Does anyone know how long it is currently taking for banks to issue a letter of consent for a house sale?

Sale agreed on a house for 3 months and the the vendors are having difficulty getting consent to sell from their bank. Currently nobody living in house and house is in negative equity, although I'm unsure of level involved. Bank is KBC.

At this stage we are considering cutting our losses and requesting our deposit back. Anyone else able to share their experience or advice in this situation?

Anyone else able to share their experience or advice in this situation?

Yes, I've been looking at property and talking to auctioneers. One I'm looking at has had a offer on for 3 months, they are still open to offers but said I'd have to be willing to wait. Banks cannot get their act together or don't want to. Meanwhile people like you get browned off and give up. Not sure if you giving a dealine on your offer would work with a bank.