How long for assessor to evaluate damage



Hi there, to cut a long story short I was rear-ended 4 weeks ago and my car is considered a 'write off'. By me and my mechanic. Initially I tried to contact the other party's insurance company for several days by phone but no answer - just recorded message. In the end I had a solicitor write them a letter - still no reply. How long does it normally take for a claim to be processed and for the assessor to come and put a value on the damage? Many thanks for any info.
Strange that you got a recorded message from the other party's insurance. usually insurers would have assessor see car within 2/3 days of being advised of the accident.

Have you comprehensive cover yourself? it might be quicker to claim under your own policy and let your insurers follow up with other driver.
Thanks Ravima. I don't have comprehensive insurance, although might think about getting it in the future- this is taking way too long, something must be up!
Who's the insurance company? There is a certain one that up to recently didnt have enough claims staff to deal with all the business they were taking in.
they're the ones! they didnt have the staff to keep up, they were also moving to a bigger office! have had brutal trouble with them!
Thanks PeterB. It's reassuring to know that it's not just me then! I was beginning to think that the guy who crashed into me wasn't insured at all.