How long for a repair to become a refund


Registered User
I purchased a phone 7 Feb 2010. Easter Bank Holiday weekend it discharged totally and would not take a charge.

I returned it to the store on the 7/Apr and they offered to repair it. I was fine with that, did not accept the replacement phone that they wanted €40 deposit for and went off assuming I would get my repaired phone in two weeks.
I have phoned every week since then, and have received various reasons for why I have not received it back.

At this stage I just want a refund. Do I have any rights to this?
You could have a read through or phone them for advice. In the meantime you could mention to the shop that you intend contacting the Consumer Agency or possibly taking the complaint to the Small Claims Court as you can't manage without your phone any longer or afford to pay their deposit.

From experience by phoning the shop makes little difference. The only may to get any staisfaction if living/working near shop is to drop in once or twice a week till you get satifaction or

Vodafone have an online compliant board on webiste- try via that as well

After some insistence to speak to the manager and I got a new phone, in the box, that weekend.
Thanks for the replies