How long does planning take if you get an objection?


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Hi, we have a planning application in with Dublin City Council at the moment. Before the application went in we showed it to the neighbours (made changes based on their feedback) and got preliminary approval from the planners.
Since then we had a negative observation from a neighbour (typically the one who is not affected). We are hoping to hear next week whether or not permission has been granted. Then the neighbour will have 4 weeks in which to make an objection.. my question is does anyone know what happens if he makes an objection? Does that delay things by at least 8 weeks while it goes to an bord pleanala again? I know objections can drag things out for months and months if someone is willing to go all the way (courts etc..) but just assuming he objects only at the next step - does anyone know what happens then?
Thanks a lot!
An Bord Pleanala is supposed to decide within 4 months I think. It can take longer though.
2 things here. There is an objection and there is an appeal and I mention this just for clarity.

If you are expecting a decision shortly from the Council then it is assumed that your neighbour has made his/her objection to the Council. Again, assuming that the decision is to grant permission then your neighbour will have a period of 4 weeks to appeal the decision to An Bord Pleanala.

If he/she does make an appeal then the time scale is what Superman said - 4 months for ABP to make their decision.

Just bear in mind that the 4 month period is a target period set by ABP and can take longer at times.
its usually busybodies and spiteful persons who do object to planning applications which do not really affect them, had it done to me but i got round it
we have the same problem - people behind us objecting - we can't even see there house so there objection is downright unnecessary. Our architect reckons there objection will not be given a second thought and that they are just people who like to complian.- there is one of them everywhere. Will see shortly what south dublin county council thinks
Thanks for the replies... it would make you weep wouldnt it?
It is just so hard to understand that kind of mindset - the neighbhour who potentially will be affected is fine about it and hasnt objected.. Financially having to wait another 4 months will really stretch us, but I suppose that isnt his problem. Its just when its so groundless its hard to take!
Also when we had gone into him previously he said he wouldnt object so now we feel we cant believe anything he says.. Our architect reckon the planners wont give it the time of day.. here's hoping!! Adm1 good luck with your objection - really hope it works out for you. ainya just wondering how you got around it?

unfortunately an bord pleanala appeals take a minimum 18 weeks. I am in the same boat. have one in against me at the moment for a development to rear garden.again architect reckons the grounds of appeal are weak. the worse news is that an bord pleanal just sent a letter to my architect this week advising that they wanted an extra 2 months to adjudicate on the appeal , and my architect says that this has happened on all jobs that he has on appeal at the moment - so thats pushing it out to a minimum of 6 months which is a royal pain

good luck