How long does it take for seller to sort snag list items?


Registered User
Just wondering as I submitted my snag list 2 weeks ago this Friday and my mortgage funds are ready and I've been keeping an eye on property and nobody has been in to do any work. How long does it normally take? I've asked my solicitor to request a re-inspection date but they haven't come back to her yet.
Depends on the snag list wouldn't it?

Could be 1 screw loose. Or could be 10 pages long. (Mine was the latter).

In my experience. As soon as you close you'll very hard to get the builder to do anything. Theres the rare exceptions.
I did my snag in June and i'm still waiting.

Although my builders are spectularly bad in general.
I would try to arrange for the bank to hold off on some of the money if possible until the snags have been completed.
Sorry to bring this up again - still waiting!

Just wondering is there anything I can do about this? I mean what if they just don't sort out items on snag list - I heard before that snag lists can't hold up the closing of a sale? So what's the point of snag list if this is the case? Is there anything I can do to get them moving? I have asked the bank to hold all the money until this is sorted so I won't be paying interest but I'm sure they're not going to do this indefinitely.

(I posted the actual snag list up here before and it's mostly cosmetic stuff - touching up paintwork, etc but it's the principal of it - why should I pay to get snag list done if they aren't going to pay any attention to it?)
I believe you need to do a bit of ''chasing'' with the builder to get it done. I think the general approach is the longer they drag it out the less chance of them having to fix everything because you get so fed up waiting you decided just to move in and leave most of the cosmetic issues.