how long can u reside in someones house & get legals rights?


Registered User
I heard this yesterday at lunch? Is this true? if you are co-habiting with your partner, after a certain amount of time you get a certain amount legal rights over the property?

My work colleague mentioned it and i was shocked. I dont think thats true..??!!

I didn't think it was a matter of time, more like whether the partner make contributions to the property (either directly or indirectly).
ah right... she was saying that after 21 months you get a right of residency or something like that anyway....
surely if you contributed to the house ie:furniture etc you would not be entitled to a % of the sale price (in the event that the property was sold)????
thanks tiger... just had a quick look.

Shes only living with him just over 6 months.. He owns the house, she lives with him. She piped up and said she wouldnt have any entitlement over the house until she was there 21 months. She seems quite adament about this...! strange conversation.....
She piped up and said she wouldnt have any entitlement over the house until she was there 21 months. She seems quite adament about this...! strange conversation.....
Talking through her hat. Seriously. I hope she's not planning to try exercising these phantom rights!
qutoe from that site:
"Contributions to the purchase price of the house can be direct or indirect. Direct contributions include contributions to the initial down payment for the house or contributions to the mortgage installments.

Indirect contributions may include paying some of the other day-to-day household expenses or unpaid work in the legal owner of the house's business."

What if they don't contribute to the mortgage BUT pay towards the bills like electricity, gas or TV can they claim a share of the house...???????
What if they don't contribute to the mortgage BUT pay towards the bills like electricity, gas or TV can they claim a share of the house...???????

I'd like to have that clarified too. What if theyre only paying for their half of living expenses anyway, expenses which they caused ? Would they suddenly be entitled to half the equity in your house ?
Why do people not talk about stuff like this? If you were taking in a tenant you would be crystal clear about rent, outgoings, privacy etc.,etc. Why will couples not discuss it in the same way?

It really is up to the people involved to work out what they want to happen and if an owner lets a relationship drift for years and nothing is ever discussed and the relationship breaks up, a Court may be asked to try and work what they thought would happen in the event of a split.

some good points made above...

I wonder if someone is paying half the bills etc for years on end while being the"common law wife" and they break up. partner sells up, would she be entitled to anything??? hmmm...

ya i think the 21 months thing is bull****ee

which brings me to this Q.......
Supposing i was living with my OH. He and his ex wife own the house hes currently living in. Hes beem making her offers and she refused all offers even though its 60% of the equity (all done legal and above board). now if i moved in and say she wants to settle after all (maybe 1-2 years down the line). Would it changes things, me living there and having contributed to the daily bills and upkeep of the house...??

*Just to clarify - this is a purely hypothetical Q. i have no interest in moving in with him. I own my own home and have every intention in staying there*