How long can a temporary lay off continue for?


steven g

I have been put on temporary leave from end of December for indefinite (Dont know going back date).

Does anyone know how long they can keep me on temporary leave before they either have to take me back or make me redundant.

Personally i would prefer my redundancy instead of going back as i have another job lined up.
Lay off, short-time working and redundancy

from citizens advice.

Redundancy occurs when you lose your job due to the closure of a business or a reduction of the workforce. This can happen due to lack of work available or the financial circumstances of the firm.

Alternatively, an employer may lay you off or put you on short time for a number of weeks.

Under the Redundancy Payments Acts 1967-2007 a lay-off situation arises where your employer is unable to provide work for you, but believes this to be a temporary situation and gives you notification of the lay off before the work finishes.

A short-time situation arises where, due to a reduction in the amount of work to be done, your pay or hours are less than half the normal weekly amount. This must be a temporary situation and your employer must notify you before the reduction starts.

from the Act: