How long before pup can be brought for a walk?


Registered User
Not sure if this is the right location but here goes anyway. I have a 12 week old pup who got the last of his vaccinations on Monday - when I aske vet how long before I could bring him out she just said a few days - but didnt commit herself to an actual number of days. SInce then I have been told by other people thats its two weeks.

Does anyone here know the exact time as I dont want to bring him out too early but on the other hand am dying to bring him for a walk
I think once they have the parvo injection they are OK to be walked.. Thats the advice we got with ours..
The vet is a qualified professional. The vet said a "few" days, a "few" ususlly means 3 or 4.

"Other people", presumably not qualified vets, have told you two weeks. You are now asking people on AAM to advise you.

Why can you not take the advice of an qualified professional? Why do you want to rely on the advice of non-quaslified "other people"?
do as the vet says, a few days usually 3/4 same as other poster said, you should be ok so to walk the puppy at the w/end. enjoy
The vet is a qualified professional. The vet said a "few" days, a "few" ususlly means 3 or 4.

"Other people", presumably not qualified vets, have told you two weeks. You are now asking people on AAM to advise you.

Why can you not take the advice of an qualified professional? Why do you want to rely on the advice of non-quaslified "other people"?

Becuase another vet said two weeks, and possibly there might be some vets out there who post on aam. Also I am only asking for peoples experience
As soon as they've had the necessary injections they're good to go. Go on the advice of the vet who actually looked after your puppy.
I presume vets like doctors can differ at times. I have a dog and when she had her puppies years back she kept taking away the little runt of the litter and hiding him, even when he bigger she would drag him away, we had to keep looking out for him, two different vets told me two opposite reasons, one to get rid of him as he was the weak one and the other vet said it was to give him extra nourishment.
Good luck with your new puppy.
If in doubt, ring the vet who gave the injections, my understanding was they were good to go as soon as they had the 2nd injection, but double check with the vet who treated the dog.

Don't be tempted to bring the dog for big long walks, they are better to get a couple of short walks (about 10mins) to start with, especially the bigger breeds like labs, as their bones are not fully formed & prone to give problems.

Good luck with your new puppy.....what did you get??
If in doubt, ring the vet who gave the injections, my understanding was they were good to go as soon as they had the 2nd injection, but double check with the vet who treated the dog.

Don't be tempted to bring the dog for big long walks, they are better to get a couple of short walks (about 10mins) to start with, especially the bigger breeds like labs, as their bones are not fully formed & prone to give problems.

Good luck with your new puppy.....what did you get??

Sorry I'm a softie at heart here and want to know what happened to the runt of the litter?? I'm really hoping you followed the nourishment advice rather than the 'get rid of' advice :eek:
I presume vets like doctors can differ at times. I have a dog and when she had her puppies years back she kept taking away the little runt of the litter and hiding him, even when he bigger she would drag him away, we had to keep looking out for him, two different vets told me two opposite reasons, one to get rid of him as he was the weak one and the other vet said it was to give him extra nourishment.
Good luck with your new puppy.

Crystal - I assume you ment to quote this post - I was rather perplexed at first !!!!
Sorry I'm a softie at heart here and want to know what happened to the runt of the litter?? I'm really hoping you followed the nourishment advice rather than the 'get rid of' advice :eek:

No Crystal he's hale and hearty and six years old now. Its just amazing as he is the toughest, cheekiest little guy you could meet. When he was young he was very sick at one stage. I remember I used cook scrambled eggs and also custard for him to eat until he improved. The only one problem is his swallow is not good, if he's eating nuts or anything dry he has to be given very small portions at a time as he eats really quickly and the food would stick in him and make him sick. I've got his mommy and his sister also and they're all adorable little jack russells! Full of mischief.
I brought a puppy Westie for her first walk many years ago. (I waited till she got her injections first. )

A walk turned into a drag which turned into a carry.

She eventually figured it out.....!
Awwww...very cute little guys. Did you bring him for a walk in the end?

He was brought for his first walk yesterday which was quite short as he got tired quite soon and just sat down and wouldnt budge so ended up being carried. My oh brought him again this morning and said he was much better wlaked for longer and didnt keep trying to chew his lead.
He was brought for his first walk yesterday which was quite short as he got tired quite soon and just sat down and wouldnt budge so ended up being carried. My oh brought him again this morning and said he was much better wlaked for longer and didnt keep trying to chew his lead.

He will be loving all his walks in no time. Delighted to hear he is getting out and about.
He was brought for his first walk yesterday which was quite short as he got tired quite soon and just sat down and wouldnt budge so ended up being carried. My oh brought him again this morning and said he was much better wlaked for longer and didnt keep trying to chew his lead.

Remember it's a whole new experience for him - and in many cases unnerving. I also remember having to carry to puppies home from their first walks. But he'll soon get used to it and wait eagerly for his daily walk.

Just don't overdo it till he's about 9-12 months as his bones are still developing and too much exercise can eventually cause more harm than good.
I have a great dane so not sure if the guidelines are the same but for great dane puppies, it's 5 minutes for each month old they are. My great dane is 10 months old so he gets a 50 minute walk each day. Over exercise effects their growth plates which in turn effects their development and can lead to numerous problems when they are older.
We have two dogs, I remember when they were pups - the pointer hated walks! That was untill he poo'd! We had bags at all times... Now well our dogs are well known for singing when we get ready to walk them!!! the excitement!
We brough him for two walks yesterday both were about 15 mins and he was flying along probably would have gone longer if we let him.