how long a life for t.v.

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T.V. bought 3 years ago gave up the ghost last week. Told its dead, too costly to repair, better get a new one!! Is 3 years the expected life of a t.v. today? Mitsubishi (same brand) lasted 11 years!!
TVs, and most other consumer electronics devices, are unfortunately effectively disposable commodities these days. Once they break it's often considered most cost effective (well, apart from the conveniently forgotten landfill/environmental issues... ) to junk them and buy a replacement. Three years is a bit premature for a TV to fail though unless it was on 24/7 since it was purchased or was treated harshly or something like that. Any chance it's covered by any standard manufacturer's or extended warranty?

For what it's worth our 21" Black Diamond has been going strong for about seven years now.
thanks clubman, it was on a lot but not 24/7 - more like 12/7!! Got a nice one today for 409 euro including stand and dvd in PowerCity so everyone is happy again!
I think your 11 year old Mitsubishi was actually a Mitsubishi. There's a popular brand now called 'Black Diamond' which I don't believe is made by Mitsubishi. Correct me if this is wrong.
It looks like a distributor called Mitsubishi Ireland is getting sets made with this brand, yet everybody remembers a model of the old Mitsubishi called Black Diamond. Clever move by the importers.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with them - just that they are not the premium brand many believe them to be. They are just as good as SLX, ZX, or the Aldi/Lidl brands that are on the market (of which I have one & am happy with).

I'd say 5 year life expectancy on any of these brands is acceptable.

I also believe the manufacturer now has to look after the disposal of these by law. Can't see how this is going to work though.
KBR said:
There's a popular brand now called 'Black Diamond' which I don't believe is made by Mitsubishi. Correct me if this is wrong.

That's correct as far as I know. The CRTs in some or all of these are made by Thompson.

Yes - the old Mitsubishi Black Diamond devices were top of the range devices up there with the lines of Sony etc. in terms of price and quality. The new (non Mitsubishi) Black Diamond devices are more basic and cheaper but, especially since these things are largely commodity items built from a smaller and smaller set of standard parts these days, fine for general use. I presume that Mitsubishi sold or licensed the Black Diamond brand to somebody along the way and/or outsourced production of such branded devices at some stage.

I'd say 5 year life expectancy on any of these brands is acceptable.

I don't think that a 5 year lifetime on even a "cheap" make is acceptable myself assuming it's not left on 24/7 or something extreme like that. As I mentioned earlier our (non Mitsubishi) Black Diamond 21" TV has been going strong for about eight years now. I know somebody who had a BEKO which had a surprising array of advanced features (e.g. picture in picture, individual default volume settings for different channels - ideal for ntl: who seem to have wildly different volumes on different channels) and which they found really robust and reliable (albeit huge!).

I also believe the manufacturer now has to look after the disposal of these by law. Can't see how this is going to work though.

Is there any environmental levy charged to fund this? I noticed in California recently that they charge such a levy on all CRT/LCD screen based devices.

About 2 days after I posted I saw a brief article in the paper about disposal of appliances being the manufaturers' responsibility. It stated that this comes into effect August 05.

Still have no idea how it is going to work (especially as most are made in China)
Presumably the local importer, distributor or seller will be responsible for dealing with the customer in relation to return and disposal?