Thanks very much lightup, I'm just trying to do some very rough calculations and weighing up options between having to sell or trying to keep a property, will need to get prof advice at some stage no doubt.. thanks again.
I guess the index is to spread the gains over each year (something along those lines) I will have a look for more info as you said.
Note that after 2003 (or 2002?) indexation has no effect. If the property was purchased since then then indexation is irrelevant. Again Revenue have more info on this.
Thanks for replys. re indexation; can you take the cost then and multiply it
by the index figure up to 2004 ie purchased in 1996 (1.277) and deduct that amount from the gain?
Depends when you bought the property, if prior to 6/4 multiplier is 1.277 if after then 1.251 Don't forget to include costs Legal etc prior to appling the multiplier. If you made enhansements to the property then the cost incl multiplier if applicable can also be deducted.