How good was YOUR school Teacher



Remember way back when.....

Teachers... who needs them.... what do they know???

Ever wondered just how good a teacher you had in primary/secondary school?

I did and believe it or most of them are still teaching...

Are you a teacher??? find out what YOUR students really think of you!!!

Find out here

[broken link removed]
Where can I find the site

ratemysolicitor ;
ratemybuilder ;
ratemyaccountant ;
ratemybarber ;

any others you can think of?????????
When first came out I though it was a good idea then very quickly realised as per macnas' inference that this is a highly personalised approach. We have had sites offering crititisism of hotels and restaurants for ages but these are fairly tame and at least there is a company to hide behind.

I think I posted somewhere here before that there are very few people that would be given such stick. The exceptions I thought of were sports people (especially harsh if they are amateur GAA folks), politicians etc.

I don’t think that rate my butcher would be such a hit because it comes down to numbers and intensity. I reckon that on average a (secondary school) teacher will have a minimum 2400 students (2 unique classes of 30 per year for 40 years) and all of these students have a view some of them strongly held, unlike a butcher who may have more customers but not with the same intensity.

I know it can’t be stopped but it is a little harsh. I would however like to thank the teachers’ unions for pointing out this site to us.
Many good teachers welcome this site. Obviously poor teachers have more to lose.
From a quick browse of the site, most of the feedback on teachers I've seen seems to be positive, or where negative it was fairly measured and specific.
Good one Dr..

Also... Has a tendancy to be distracted or

if he/she applied themselves we would see improvement


Did you see Sky News were running a poll to vote if this website should be banned recently .. unreal, we are entitled to freedom of speach and it should be respected imho

Other ratemy.... sits would be welcome


Garrettod said:
Did you see Sky News were running a poll to vote if this website should be banned recently .. unreal, we are entitled to freedom of speach and it should be respected imho

Surely freedom of speach includes respecting the right of the media to conduct polls on what their audience think should or should not be banned? Freedom of speach is a two way street. Anyway, such text/phone/email/web/digital TV polls are ultimately pretty meaningless because they are not conducted according to the normal rules applicable to scientifically/statistically accurate polls and have no bearing on lawmaking etc.

Sorry, to be clear, I was not suggseting that these polls should not be conducted .. I think thats fine, but I dont agree that sites like can be banned because a school, teacher etc does not like their rating.


I did a quick scan of the web site - found my old school..and to be honest, I don't like or approve of the site. Now before anyone goes on the attack, I do of course approve of free speech (which is what this site proclaims that it is enacting)....I also think that this is different than other opinion polls..the difference being here is that anonymous opinion is being made on a private citizen which may be hurtful & untrue (just because a student or former student did not like that teacher)

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Hi ninsaga

I appreciate the point you raise, a bit of a tricky one though because the people expressing their opinions may be afraid to disclose their full names for fear of retaliation, such as poor future school referances etc

Any thoughts ?


As I look further - I actually don't see the benefit of the me it has the potential to just act as a place for one to vent (possibly unfairly) about a teacher.

Im sorry but I disagree

Assuming it is used correctly, it is an excellent way of independently checking up on what past pupils thought about schools & teachers ... very important when trying to select the right school for your children imho


Most kids know good teachers from bad teachers. And they will still regard them as good teachers even if they don't like them personally. I think ratemyteachers is an excellent development that will keep lazy teachers on their toes from now on.
Garrettod said:
Assuming it is used correctly, it is an excellent way of independently checking up on what past pupils thought about schools & teachers ... very important when trying to select the right school for your children imho

"Assuming it is used correctly" is the key phrase here. I've just looked at my son's school and have come across:

- a number of teachers who don't exist
- some very questionable personal comments and
- a lot that I would agree with.

I would caution anybody against using it when trying to select a school.

Maybe they should employ a few AAM moderators!!!
Crunchie said:
I would caution anybody against using it when trying to select a school.

Maybe they should employ a few AAM moderators!!!

The 1 1 1 ratings on it are by notorious anorexics and bulimics my shrink sez. is moderated and maintained by student volunteers from each listed school.