How expensive are beds?


Registered User
Just wondering if any body knows where to get a good quality orthopedic mattress without spending €500. Beds seems to be a ridiculous price, any tips? Thanks.
Re: How Expensive Are Beds!

I don't know about the precise prices but I personally found to be great value and customer service.
Re: How Expensive Are Beds!

Its just a personal opinion, but I think that quality mattresses are quite good value, compared to the price of a sofa, when you consider how important
it is to your overall wellbeing to have a good and comfortable night sleep.
I think
Re: How Expensive Are Beds!

true but its a question of cash flow, I don't want to buy one on credit, and i have a whole house to do
Re: How Expensive Are Beds!

Hi Clubman,

Positivity24 as mentioned has a full house to furnish and therefore would not be able to afford an expensive bed hence their need to avail of credit to do so.
Re: How Expensive Are Beds!

positivity24 said:
true but its a question of cash flow, I don't want to buy one on credit, and i have a whole house to do
Re: How Expensive Are Beds!

Yes they don't want to get into debt just to buy an expensive one.
Re: How Expensive Are Beds!

Don't think positivity's comment on credit was prompted by (or needed to have been prompted by) any particular poster. It was just an explanation of why - though he acknowledges beds may be better value than sofas - he still wants to buy a cheap bed [whole house to do, so money is tight].
Re: How Expensive Are Beds!

You can get a back master mattress for 400E in Des Kelly other place for same is 6-700 euro really good mattress, you will spend a lot of time there so dont try to be to carful on spending, try trading company web page nice beds now for sale also reids doing nice sales aswell
Re: How Expensive Are Beds!

A bit of advice given to me when I was younger and less well off - "Never scrimp on either your bed or your shoes because if you are not in one you're in the other!" Last year was the first time I was in a position to take this advice when replacing a mattress. It wasn't cheap but it is wonderful and if I had my life to live again I would definitely always have a top class mattress. Perhaps some of your house could wait and you could invest more in the bed.
Re: How Expensive Are Beds!


We bought 2 single "Respa" orthapedic beds from Bargaintown for less than €450 when we first moved into our house, while we were waiting for delivery of our own bed. They are soooo comfortable and anyone who stays always asks where we got them. So you should be able to pick up a double for < than €500. You will definatly get a few years out of them if used constantly...or can be consigned to the spare room when you have the extra cash to splash out on a more expensive bed for yourself.
Re: How Expensive Are Beds!

Mattresses are definitely a personal taste issue. One man's restful oasis is another man's bed of nails. The only advice I would give you is go into a shop with lots of mattresses, lie on them all, and buy the most comfortable (for you) one you can afford. And of course, don't listen to the salesman. He won't be sleeping on what you end up buying.
Re: How Expensive Are Beds!

You might want to try King Koil, I think they manufacture in Naas but you can buy them nationwide - we bought ours 'down the country' and has it shipped to Dublin, saved a fortune. Not sure if they do ortho matrasses, but they are certainly the most comfortable beds. We bought a full bed from them a few years ago, I suffer from a bad back and I have to say a bed is almost an invenstment, ratrher than just another piece of furniture. 5 years on, no back pain....
Re: How Expensive Are Beds!

got a decent ortha. matt. - halycon - on sale from 460 to something like 395 a few weeks ago. - got it in living quarters on georges/aungier st there.
Re: How Expensive Are Beds!

Is there an ISO standard on beds in terms of resistance or springiness that one should look for? I need to get one for someone who has had back surgery and am wondering whether there a prescribed one in hospitals or nursing homes which comes recommended.
It is one thing to be lying on it for 5 minutes in a shop and another thing altogether to try and get a comfortable night sleep after a medical procedure. Any technical suggestions?
Re: How Expensive Are Beds!

We got a pocket sprung with a memory foam on top. Fantasic. Better than any traditional sprung orthapedic mattresse I tried. Shop had a 3 day return if you don't like it. Cloud9.
Re: How Expensive Are Beds!

went shopping today for beds, ordered:
1 5'
2 4'.6"
3 3'
plus mattresses, one wardrobe, one chest of drawers and nine bedside lockers and the price comes to just over €3000 and that was from Allendale. 4'.6" bed and 2 lockers €399 and mattress for same €219