How does the process of buying and selling shares actually work?


Registered User

You may think I'v posted in the wrong section but bear with me,

I am wondering what are the barriers to entry in setting up financial websites such as trading sites etc..

Why are fees high ( obviously monopolies and lack of knowledge etc)

But how does the whole process work..Do you need a min net worth...

Experience in the industry etc??

Your thoughts/experience would be much appreciated!

This is just something Iv been thinkin on for a good while!
Are you thinking of investing in shares or actually setting up a financial website? If the former, then a quick search in e.g. the best buys for stockbrokers will give you a lot of info. I use Ameritrade in the US, which are pretty cheap but can only buy stocks on the US markets (a lot of UK and Irish companies have dual listings). For that, you need to print off and send the application form with a US$ bank draft and the rest (the buying and selling) is done over the internet. There is probably a minimum first payment, but I'd imagine it's pretty low (as in, could be $1,000). As for experience, that's a whole other ballgame and there's lots of info on this site about how to spread your risk and diversify between industries/geographies etc. Anyone *can* do it; whether people make money on it is the rub.

Hi Sprite,

No sorry it is the actual process of setting up the site I am concerned with?

Ah! Well ignore my first post!

I'd imagine that you'd have to be regulated by the financial regulator as money will be flowing through the website. Sharewatch is at any rate (they are the only Irish-based stock-only site I can think of - the others are connected to investment houses/banks). First stop would be the financial regulator I'd guess.
