How Do you test Drive a car


Registered User
I realise how stupid this sounds, but how do you test drive a car?

Obviously I don't mean how do you drive it but what exactly do you do?

Usually I just take it for a couple of miles down the road and back, see whats its like to accelorate through the gears and maybe try breaking a reasonably hard once just to see what its like. Sometimes I will try a reverse round the corner manouvre to see what rear visibilty is like but usually only if in a very quiet area!

Is there anything else I should be doing and what are the kinda things to look / listen out for during a test drive?

a good idea always is to take it to a steep hill, drop it down a gear and make sure that the car does not struggle to make it up the hill - - you will feel if its finding it tough
Make sure it's driving straight!
Go to a nice straight piece of road and take your hands off the wheel and see how it keeps on track
Also try this while accelerating and braking
Should give a good indication if tracking ect is off and if it was crashed it may pull to one side or the other.

Be aware of the camber of the road too, this may throw it off

Check tyres for uneven wear too...
Get one from a country garage and take it on a twisty road, any car can drive well in a straight line. Rough twisty roads will be a good indication of comfort, noise and handling.
Either really. I'm still trying to decide!

Tomorrow I'm going to look at an '05 Focus H/B!

Well for a new car it's really only about how the feels for you - comfortable driving position and good visibility.

On the otherhand test driving a 2nd hand car is a bit more difficult as you want to try and find out if the car is driving okay.

Pick a time that suits you, follow the advice given already, drive in a low gear and high rev for a few seconds and listen for any unusual engine noise, if you get a chance try to see how it copes with going over a speed ramp or something similar. Also let the car idle for a while does the engine run smooth.
As if you stole it, of course.

I often get responses like "that was a comprehensive test" or "you really do enjoy driving, don't you?" or even "i'm glad that's over" from the sales person sat next to me.
from the sales person sat next to me.

I had a sales person sit in on the rest for the first time last week. I must say I prefer that they don't. Talking all the way through it, pushing the sale and I felt I was getting dirty looks from her when I was reving it a bit and driving and accelerating hard!

Definitely prefer dealers who let you wander away by yourself!