How do you organise a large cash withdrawal from AIB these days


Registered User
I need to withdraw a lowish 5 figure amount in cash for next week. i havent done it for a good few years and in those days you could actually call a branch and speak to someone, how does one manage to arrange something like this nowadays?
Go into the branch in person ahead of time & make the request & get a record of it. Make sure the expectations are understood on both sides.

  1. Bank Person dealing with your transaction will be present on the day to process the withdrawal. No he said, she said nonsense.
  2. Withdraw x amount on day y in a single pre-approved transaction.
  3. Identification requirements understood & prepared.
  4. Documentation requirements understood & prepared.
I need to withdraw a lowish 5 figure amount in cash for next week. i havent done it for a good few years and in those days you could actually call a branch and speak to someone, how does one manage to arrange something like this nowadays?
I did one last year using this link.
It's for business, but I used it anyway. Someone from the branch then called me and gave me a time to collect. Had to collect from a little secure room in the branch.
Had to show ID and I think complete the withdrawal slip. Cash was already counted and in a sealed plastic bag.
I did one last year using this link.
It's for business, but I used it anyway. Someone from the branch then called me and gave me a time to collect. Had to collect from a little secure room in the branch.
Had to show ID and I think complete the withdrawal slip. Cash was already counted and in a sealed plastic bag.
brilliant, thank you.