How do you get Irish mortgage from UK / abroad?



My other half and I are considering returning to Ireland in the near future and are currently looking at houses in Ireland online as we'd like to buy prior to our return.
Does anyone know who's best to speak with in relation to getting an Irish mortage from the UK or from abroad in general?
We did this years ago from the UK, and any of the Irish banks we approached were more than happy to deal with us. In the end we had our mortgage arranged through a broker, the Irish Mortgage Corporation, but that was just the way it worked out.
Hello JerseyBean,

Yes, Jokerman is correct, most Irish banks are delighted to deal with you, provided there is ample employment history, savings, and credit history.

One thing that some banks insist on with non-resident buyers is a lower Loan to Value ratio (usually 75%-80%). This may be open to negotiation with a lender, depending on your circumstances, and your intentions with the property etc.

Alan Dolan
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