How do the Foreign Girls in Ireland look so good in the Snow?

Happy Girl

Registered User
I have trudged up to work every morning in the snow in my big hiking boots (with 2 pairs of socks) and suit with big jacket/hat/scarf/gloves. I am walking like an 80 year old watching my footing all the time. When I arrive at work my face is that red that I look on the verge of a heart attack and my hair standing on end with static. Then these foreign "visions" pass me in their 3inch black patent boots with short sheepskin jackets and sprayed on jeans looking absolutely amazing. How do they do it?
Ha ha plenty of experience with snow and ice! - sure footed as mountain goats. Although I was talking to my husband and some friends over the last few days and they all reckon that women look better in the cold weather - i.e the coats, hats etc look sexier on them then the summer clothes do i.e white sunburned skin with skimpy clothes and muffin tops! They all think it's because [1] you can't see the lumps and bumps [2] it leaves more to the imagination! - they also all agreed that they like Ugg boots, although I would have't thought that men would find them particularly sexy??

I kind of agree I have to say.. so you probably look better then you think you look!
I am walking like an 80 year old watching my footing all the time.

Lol - me too. Yesterday I saw a vision in white short sheepskin jacket, red scarf and hat, tight black jeans, heeled patent boots, striding along pushing a buggy, looking as fresh as a daisy. On the other hand I was slipping and sliding and trying not to fall while wearing the bulkiest coat, hat, scarf imaginable, plus hiking boots
I couldn't wear heels this weather. I normally wear coat/scarf/hat/gloves and flat rubber soled shoes - trousers are wide leg and long to disguise the granny hick nature of the shoes.

Today I wore boots without a rubber sole and almost slipped twice, so I'm considering the knitted uggs to wear with skinny jeans (hate the suede ones).

I much prefer AW clothes to SS.
No pics but I was told by a male colleague the other day that I was looking very Russian.
Maybe you should slow down and stop Russian around

I was talking to my husband and some friends over the last few days and they all reckon that women look better in the cold weather - i.e the coats, hats etc look sexier on them then the summer clothes do
yeah ,sure.
I hate the way women leave little to the imagination in Summer
Unless he meant distant and cold

That would also be true. Another colleague told me me one day that I'm not good to share. This was after she shared what she thought was some juicy gosssip which I heard about 6 months ago.
...they also all agreed that they like Ugg boots, although I would have't thought that men would find them particularly sexy??

Depends what else they are wearing.

If nothing, then yeah, they can look pretty good alright.

Possibly they're just more stylish, assured and attractive . Plus theyre probably up at 5AM preparing. Also would it not be easier to walk in heels in the ice/snow since there's less to slip on since feck all is in contact with the ice?