How do I register a "phrase"?

Conor In Dub

Registered User
Does anyone know how Id register a "phrase" or a saying as a company's strapline? In the same way way McDonalds have "Im Lovin' It" or Coke had (still have?) "Coke Is It"

I think its called an "SM" rather than a TM (Trademark). Any advice as to how Id do this with an Irish company?

It's a trademark if it's to do with a product and a service mark is usually used in the US to describe a service. There is no real concept of "service mark" in Ireland, but you can certainly register one (if appropriate) in the US if you want.

The examples you use above are more "tag lines" (in marketing-speak) and would be protected by trade mark rights.

So, decide where you want to register and, if you are actually registering something that relates to a service, register a service mark in the US, else then go with the trademark.

Unless you are a world-known brand, I'd question the value of registering a "tag line" myself. If it's a company/product, then a trademark is the more appropriate. Info on registering trademarks in Ireland is on the Irish Patents Office site (here)

I don't believe that you can register a clever phrase/tag line that is not related to any company or product.
If you contact the patents office they will tell you but in general you can register word(s) as a trade mark.

But there are rules and restrictions and regard must be had to the ordinary meaning of words etc.

Ring the Patents Office.