How do I move on 7 years separated?


Registered User
I have been separated from my wife for the past 7 years. family home fell into arrears and negative equity, I signed up to split mortgage circa 3 years ago. Stopped arrears, new agreement being paid constantly since then.
Ex has new partner living in the property the past 4 years. They are not willing to engage in order to move proceedings on.
I am renting at extortionate rates. Bank is quite content to keep things going as is with no intention of removing my name from the property which I have offered to hand over in order to move on and start again.
I have engaged fully with the bank but to no avail.
The only option I face is to pay them €280K in full which is impossible.
I am just looking for some advice if anyone has been through similar circumstance through marital breakdown?
You need to give a lot more info if you are going to get any useful advice on here.

For example it is not clear from your post who has been paying how much toward the mortgage since the new agreement started.
You need to give a lot more info if you are going to get any useful advice on here.

For example it is not clear from your post who has been paying how much toward the mortgage since the new agreement started.
As above plus not clear in whose name(s) the debt is in plus how much NE is there on the house.

If you are paying the debt in full then why not stop?

Have you a judicial separation agreement?
You need to give a lot more info if you are going to get any useful advice on here.

For example it is not clear from your post who has been paying how much toward the mortgage since the new agreement started.
The mortgage payments have been reduced to €600 from €1200 after restructure. The debt is in both names, joint and severally. I pay €500 per month maintenance for child and house. Paying €1300 rent. No judicial separation , waiting on divorce, NE of about €100k.
What does that mean €500 for maintenance for child and house, can you divide up that. Your rent seems extraordinary. I presume you are with someone else in that property. You've been asked to give meaningful figures and declined. If you want help you have to tell us the figures. Dribs and drabs is a waste of time. And not just your figures.
I understand that with all the detail probably swirling around in your head it is difficult to give a proper outline of your situation, but unless you do you will not benefit much from this forum.

Sit down and do a long post.