How do I know if my Laptop is wireless?!


Registered User
I am looking to get Broadband for my Laptop. I didn't think it was wireless but I've noticed on the taskbar that it says something about a wireless connection, so Im thinking now that it is... Is there some way you can tell by looking at a Laptop if it is wireless or not? It is about 4 years old...

Thanks guys!
Start --> Control Panel --> Wireless Network Setup Wizard


System Properties --> Device Mangager --> Network Adapters --> " Wireless"
check the icons on your function keys or the ones that light up to see if you have one that looks like a computer or a mast with ((( and ))) either side of it.

That should mean you have it.
Wireless on your laptop has nothing to do with broadband even if the broadband is wireless (e.g. satellite or WiMax or similar). It's just for wireless access to your local area network (i.e. to a wireless router). Even without wireless if you have a wired ethernet port then you can connect directly to a broadband router. Remember that broadband and specifically wireless broadband has nothing to do with how your local area network (to your router) is set up (i.e. wired or wireless).