How do I know if I qualify for UK State Pension

Eligibility criteria are outlined here:
Hi Guys, I got through on the hmrc helpline today after an hour. Although I lived and worked for pretty large contractors in the UK over a 4 year period. The HMRC said they have no record of me or a NI number. Is my only hope to the fill in the CA5403 form and the the CF83 (without a NI number). Has anybody else encountered this. Thanks again
Did you ever get pay slips that showed your gross wage, and then your net wage after tax and Insurance deductions?

If not then it would seem that you were being paid "off the books". Or perhaps you were a self employed contractor (subbie) who never self registered and therefore didn't pay tax or NI?

If you were never issued with a NI number it seems you have nowhere to turn I'm afraid, but if you believe the person you spoke to was mistaken then certainly you should attempt to retrieve your NI number. Without it you can't proceed.
Yes definitely paid tax, but I don't have payslips etc. from 1999/2000. I will try to call again as person wasn't overly helpful.