How do i find out what is the actual address of a property?


Registered User
Hi There,

I am just wondering how to find out the correct address of a property i am interested in.

could the address change when the new postal codes are brought in?

Would the post office have the correct address or would the county council be more accurate?

Ie i looked up the council planning records for the area and its one area and a friend in the post office is saying its another area?

which is correct?
The address should be on the title deeds so you could check with the solicitor who is acting for you. For just checking a property you are interested in - if the property was registered as a site number e.g. in an estate and the house number or road later changed, the council will have a record of this.

AFAIK the address used by the post office is mainly the address by which the area is more locally known.
So the Post Office could have the wrong address? So i take it the Planning application address is the mopre correct address?

If a person moved into the area can they legitimately make the address the same as the planning address....

As they say Location, location, location ;-)
It goes by the postal address

It goes by the postal address but the 'official' address can vary. I've come across examples where one postal address is used but the actual townland is used on the title deeds. E.g. bordering villages.

The council should be able to clarify the correct address of the property.
As discussed before, but the search options does not appear to be working. Correct address can be found here : [broken link removed]
I believe a lot of work went in to updating this ‘official’ database in for the now scraped plan to introduce post codes.

Hi Towger when was the post codes thing scrapped. I didn't hear about that?

so they are not going to use postcodes at all in Ireland?
In August, here is a link : [broken link removed]

As you can seen another 15m of public money pored down the drain. But sure maybe they will think about it...
ClubMan you dont have a signature link to see.