How do I find out if I received points


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I was stopped by the gardai who saw me using a mobile phone while driving The fact that he drove past me, stopped, turned around, and then followed me and pulled me over was, I though, a good indication that I wasn't going to be let off with a warning :eek:

This happened in August (4 months ago). He took my details, and I presented my driving licence at the local garda station as required.

I have heard nothing since and I was wondering, is there any way of finding out if the fine/points are in the pipeline? Is it possible that he decided not to process it.

Or if I hear nothing, what sort of time period can i be sure that they will not be processed.
They're ridiculously slow in putting the points on (at least they were 3 1/2 years ago when I picked up two...don't know if things have changed since then). I don't remember it taking any longer than 3 months to receive notification though?
You should have received notification of the fine in the first instance, when you pay that the points are put on (if you don't pay you go to court and get points). Keep your fingers crossed.
Buddyboy, you should also note that the points last 3 years on your licence from date of issue of the points notice NOT the date of the offence (August in this case) !!

Yea, which is a pain as insurance companies, in their forms, ask if you have any points, or any points pending. So the three years could mean more, if your insurance is up between the offence, and the points being put on.

I hope it is the case that they are not being processed, but the fact that he went out of his way to stop me makes be doubt it.

And the other thread where the poster wasn't aware of the offence until they got the summons to appear in court is a bit worrying.
Actually i would think that you'd be more likely to be summonsed for this than fined. Summons has to be issued within 6 months of the date of the offence so some time left!
Actually i would think that you'd be more likely to be summonsed for this than fined. Summons has to be issued within 6 months of the date of the offence so some time left!

From everything I've read, it is a fixed fine and points, which can go to court if you appeal or do not pay.

Copied from

"Since 1 September 2006 the offence is a fixed charge offence of €60 and will attach two penalty points to your licence. A conviction in court will cost you up to €2,000 and four penalty points on your licence."
So the three years could mean more, if your insurance is up between the offence, and the points being put on.

I would assume you have to be aware that you are actually getting the fine & points before you have to declare them as points pending. It can happen that a gardai may (for what ever reason) take the details & not follow through with a ticket, happened someone I know last years...obviously they didn't want to ask too many questions. But obviously you coud still get one!

I presented my driving licence at the local garda station as required.

Are you not ment to have this in the car with you?
From ( website)

"Q. Is there a requirement to carry my driving licence with me?

A. Yes. Since 1 January 2003 it is an offence for any person to drive without being in a position to produce their licence on request from a Garda. It is also an offence to fail to submit a licence within 10 days to a Garda station where so requested. At present penalty points do not apply to this offence. In the meantime it will be an offence under the Road Traffic Acts attracting a maximum fine on conviction of €800."
This happened to me in August in Galway (was actually in a tail back so wasn't technically moving, actually if anyone remembers the policeman on the motorway scene in Withnail and I it was a bit similar, he wasn't very happy), am in the same boat, didn't have my licence with me either, When I got to the Garda Station I had to fill our a white form and the garda told me that as soon ad the garda in galway registered my details i would get a fine - he said it was about 80 euros and that it should take 3 to 6 weeks, so i am assuming it hasn't happened.

good luck!
Are you not ment to have this in the car with you?

I was wondering if someone would pick up on that :eek:

Yes, I (almost) always have the licence in the car, in the sunvisor, but on this one occasion I had taken the licence out, and carried it in my wallet, as I had been driving my wifes car the day before and wanted it with me. I (almost) always have my wallet with me but I was going walking the dog, and since there are no shops in the woods, I didn't bring it with me.

It would of course be the one time I was stopped by the gardai and asked for it :rolleyes:
As regards summonses ....... I got mine on Decemer last year after being pulled over the previous February. I inquired off a lawyer and was told that a year was the limit. So ........ keep praying!
Well heres a conundrum. You can't actually carry your license with you at all times and also submit it to the county council for a change of address.

Its a bit ridiculous. They should have implemented the system as in the UK whereby you have to present your license at a police station within a fixed number of days.
Hard luck on not having your driving licence and getting a fine. I was pulled over by Garda in Galway. He asked if I possessed a full driving licence to which I replied yes. He had a walk around the car and told me to drive on. I didn't have my licence on me as iI've lost it. Talk about luck. This thread has reminded me go report same missing.