How do I change wifi code, eircom


Registered User
Have a modem from eircom for our wifi. To log on with phones and other wireless devices it involves a long code from the back of the modem.
How do I change this to something simple which I can then change frequently to keep it secure.
Not big on IT, more 'monkey see monkey do' approach needed. All technical words are gobble d gook....
In case anyone else has the same problem, it took me a little time to work out. Typed the 'numbers' on Google bu just got lots of searches. Was going to give up, but then decided to open a different browser (Firefox) an entered numbers again and hey presto, all was revealed.
Wifi password changed.
How do I change this to something simple which I can then change frequently to keep it secure.

Just so you're aware, something short/ simple is a lot less secure, no matter how often it's changed.