How do I change a Ryanair booking?


Registered User
My wife and 2 kids are booked on Ryanair to Budapest in late December, returing in early Jan (cost about €440 all in). I need to bring back one son 4 days earlier (his school exchange trip begins earlier than we thought).

Can't do this online - all three would have to change and the cost would be prohibitive. The website says to change individual bookings within a group contact the call centre.

This morning the call centre recorded announcements includes one to the effect that changes are possible but only to flights departing in the next 14 days! This presents me with a dilemma -

- if I let it go to within 14 days i.e. mid-December, won't it be unlikely that he'll find a seat on the earlier flight?

- if I change all three online now, the costs and charges will be huge (an extra €420 because of different prices and the fees) and the other two will have had to return unnecessarily early.

This is the first time I've looked to change a booking - ever! Would anyone be able to advise what to do?
Easiest thing and probably the cheapest is just to book another separate flight for you and the child coming back early. You will lose out on the original return booked but in the long run you will save as the cost of changing flights usally works out more expensive than just booking another one.
Okay good idea (sigh).

But what happens at the checkin in Budapest when only two show up to check in on a multiple (3) person booking? Will it be accepted? Will they be able to check in online for the return leg with only 2?
Sorted (at a price). Ryanair's customer care (oxymoron?) split out the child from the others and allowed me to change just his flight. There was a seat on the earlier return so the others get to stay the full duration. The only hit is my credit card but I guess it could have been worse e.g. no seat available on the new flight :eek:

Thanks for the help.