How do I avoid a double €40 tax when changing credit card?


Registered User
I've got a Bank of Ireland VISA card with a zero balance that I want to close since they will not let me access it on-line without also having a BoI current account.

What information if any do I have to give/get from my new/old credit card provider to avoid being charged €40 twice for the year. The new credit card will be Ulster Bank zinc card in case that makes any difference.

Here's the relevant extract

Will they issue the Letter of Closure as a matter of course or do they have to be asked for it?

Anyone with hassle-free experiences of doing this?
If you had a BOI account and were signed up to banking 365 already, you should be able to access your credit card if you use the same login details and passwords, but login in through great britain/NI accounts on the banking 365 homepage. I'm not sure why this works, but it does!
I finally closed this account but BoI didn't make it easy and I'm not sure that what they sent me is a "Letter of closure" accepted by another credit card company to avoid the double tax, since it doesn't use that term explicitly.

When I first rang them they told me I couldn't close the account immediately. I had to ring back about three weeks later after the last direct debit had gone through. I don't see why this was necessary as I gave them permission to do it immediately.

They haven't taken out the final EUR 40 credit card tax so I'll have to leave the direct debit in place until they do.
I went through quite a few problems trying to close a BoI CC account, and had to request a Letter of Closure at least 3 times.
Hi - am doing the exact same thing. ie: closing a BOI credit card. I'm moving over to a pigsback MBNA card so that at least I can make up the government duty with pigsback vouchers...
Anyway, I called them up about 4 weeks ago to cancel and thought everything would be done automatically. However then I received a regular statement showing me paying off what was owed (a whole 2 euro) but then the government tax was applied so I then had a balance of 40 euro.
The statement said that 5 euro would be paid off in the next direct debit - so if I had left things the way they are it would take months to pay off!
After ringing them again, I had to go online to manually pay the 40 euro to leave a balance of zero. I now have to wait till the end of the month for the next statement to see if the acct will finally be closed 7 weeks after asking!