How do I apply for my Irish Pension of 22 years now that I live in UK?


New Member
Hi there, I have been going around and around to no avail! Some say that I have to apply via the English National Insurance system - that dont seem right! Any thoughts pls?
Yes, the rule is that you apply on your country of residence, the UK, giving full details of your employment history in the UK and in Ireland.

The UK Pension service will forward your pension claim to the Irish Pension service
Some say that I have to apply via the English National Insurance system
How many PRSI contributions do you have in Ireland?

How many UK national insurance contributions do have?

What age are you?

Depending on the above you might do better from claiming both pensions separately.
Both pension authorities will calculate their pension on the best option taking into account your contributions in both countries
Contact the international pensions centre in the UK. They will send you a form to fill in, which you return to them. They then sort it out. Do that six months before you are due to get it. Seperate to that, you will receive your letter to claim the UK one, around three months before it's due.