how do I access private health care


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I broke the scaphoid bone in my hand and I have been attending Waterford Regional hospital for the last number of weeks - I have no complaints about the service I have received.

I attended the clinic yesterday and now I have been informed that it's not healing properly and I will have to have an operation to mend the bone, how do I get a second opinion? My sister suggested Blackrock Clinic - do I just ring up? I realise I am a totally green - I just haven't a clue - I just presumed after weeks in a cast the bone would mend and that would be the end of it.

To be honest I would just like to sit down and ask an expert a few questions about my situation, I was in such shock yesterday when he told me I would need an operation, I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I just sat there with my jaw hanging open and I couldn't say anything - the operation sounds fairly involved, it's a bone graft from my hip to my wrist.

As I say I have NO complaints about the treatment I have received in Waterford Regional - but it is a little bit rushed and I now feel that I need access to some expert advice - any of your advice/experience would be appreciated
I think that you can just ring around the private clinics asking for an appointment and an outline of their charges if you really want to go private and are willing to pay. Alternatively you could get a recommendation/referral from your GP. Or maybe just talking to a GP would help put your mind at ease and discuss your options? On the other hand you really should be able to discuss these issues with the medical staff with whom you were already dealing and maybe ask for a second opinion there. If you have private health insurance then you should check what's covered and what's not. Don't forget that you can [broken link removed] on certain otherwise unreimbursed medical expenses that you incur.
Hi theHill ... usually your gp will have a list of private consultants that you can see and should recommend one for you. My brother broke his thumb playing rugby a few years back ... he went to a hand specialist in the Blackrock Clinic called .... wait for it, Mr. Hand.
Thanks for the replies, I have an appointment with a sports physiotherapist later today, I will hopefully get some more advice then, if I need to take it on further after that I will.