How did Lex miss this?

All the chattering classes will certainly be chattering & hoping their area is one of the purple squares.

A super idea though....expats all over the world will buy one for Xmas.

I wonder though will the game go PC with the poorer areas being replaced by landmarks such as the Gaol and the Elysian?

Must pick up one anyway and get the the littlers ready for Celtic Tiger 2.0
I'm going to write to those Monopoly people and see if they will do a more updated version of the game

One suggestion is that instead of getting £200 EVERY time you pass GO, the amount decreases by £5 each "lap" but the cost of the utilities on the board increases

We could have CHANCER cards instead of CHANCE. One of those could be "You have defrauded the State of millions of EURO. Do not pass GO. Do not go to jail. Do not pay any of it back. You must however miss a turn while you attend a mass rally in your home county (which is also your principal place of business BTW)"

Any other ideas?
Hi Sue

You are far too clever.

with any luck Lex is in the Algarve or similar playing golf and will miss this.
