How did company get my mobile number - I left them landline number?


Registered User
I'm in Northern Ireland , and my mobile is with a UK mobile provider.

Today I telephoned a company in Dublin. I've never had any contact with them before.

I left my *landline* number only and they said they would phone me back.

Later on they phoned me back on my landline number and asked if I got their voicemail which they had left on my phone.

I said no...I assumed they were talking about the landline answering machine.

Anyhow, I'm just after checking on my mobile and they left their message there. How did they get my mobile number, when I didn't leave it with them?
Re: How did company get my Mobile Number - I left them Landline Number...?

Did you make the original call from your mobile? They could have picked up your number via caller id.
Re: How did company get my Mobile Number - I left them Landline Number...?

No, I phoned them from my landline.
Re: How did company get my Mobile Number - I left them Landline Number...?

Have you tried googling for your name and seeing what comes up?
Re: How did company get my Mobile Number - I left them Landline Number...?

I've just googled, and I don't see anything...thankfully..!!
Re: How did company get my Mobile Number - I left them Landline Number...?

I just phoned the company to ask them, and they said they phoned the landline number which I gave them.

I wonder how they were diverted through to my mobile voice-mail? I don't have call divert on my landline, and I actually have an answering machine on the landline which should have been activated when they phoned my landline...
Re: How did company get my Mobile Number - I left them Landline Number...?

Maybe somebody else answered the landline and gave out your mobile number?
There was no-one else here to provide them with my mobile number; and when I phoned the company this morning to ask them about it (I was speaking with the same person) he said he only telephoned my landline number which I provided yesterday. He said he didn't know my mobile number...
Curiouser and curiouser...

You say your mobile is with a UK mobile provider — does the network have some kind of online 'directory' that can be accessed by other users, and which you have to opt out of when signing up? Except that would make something of a liar of the guy who claims he only telephoned your landline number... Could he identify the number? Is it at all possible that you were distracted and actually gave the mobile number instead of the landline?
Not that I'm aware of, I recall at the time of signing up to my mobile being asked if I wanted to be ex-directory and I said I did. I do believe him when he says he only called my landline, as I don't think there would be any point in him going to the trouble of trying to locate my mobile number (even if possible) when he had my landline number there in front of him...

DrMoriarty said:
Is it at all possible that you were distracted and actually gave the mobile number instead of the landline?
No, it was only the landline number I provided. When they phoned me yesterday and asked if I had received their voicemail message (and I said no as I thought they meant my landline answering machine) he had phoned my landline number. I asked this morning when I phoned them, and he said he only had my landline number...
No, it's just an in-built answering message informing the caller there's no-one here and to leave a message. But apparently they didn't hear this anyhow, they made the call to my landline, and then it has been diverted through to my mobile voicemail. They didn't leave a message on my landline answering machine.

That's why, yesterday, when they asked if I received their message I said no, as I thought they meant they left a message on my landline machine...
Are you sure the voicemail on your mobile was actually from them, and not to do with some other unrelated transaction?
It was definitely the same person. The person informed me that they had left a message on the voicemail, so it was definitely the same person. They also left their name in their recorded message.
You could always see if the company has a privacy/data retention/data collection policy on their website?

Or have a look at [broken link removed] from the Irish Data Protection Commissioner's website for more info.

"Under section 4 of the Data Protection Acts, 1988 and 2003, you have a right to obtain a copy, clearly explained, of any information relating to you kept on computer or in a structured manual filing system, by any person or organisation. All you need to do is write to the organisation or individual concerned and ask for it."

If they have your mobile number, they'll have some explaining to do.