How closely do you check your phone bill?


Registered User
Hi all,
Something I have noticed on my UTV phone bill since I switched over last October. This generally occurs at least once in a month.

Date Time Number Destination Duration Cost
27/04/2005 17:18:22 01xxxxxxx Dublin Central 00:00:43 0.0571
17:18:47 01xxxxxxx Dublin Central 00:10:21 0.4592

Note the times & durations. Now while this example only overlaps by a small amount, previous occurences have overlapped by several minutes.
My concern would be, is the time wrong or is the duration wrong?
If the duration is wrong then am I being overcharged (albeit by a few cent this time)
I have brought this to UTVs attention twice already, and been told twice that they would look into it, but i never received anything back.
I'm just curious to see if anyone else has spotted this?

There is probably nothing much wrong but I think you have given the company a chance to reply and now you should send a copy of the bill/s and any other documentation to ComReg and request them to look furhter into the billing method used by this company.

You might give some feedback later.
Very interesting - I must check my own bill. It should be easily enough to do a spreadsheet check by adding the duration to the time & checking against the start time of the next call. Some of the UTV management team (Scott Taunton for one) post on the Ireland Offline board over on, so you might want to post your problem over there.
I think it is a quite significant problem.

It indicates an underlying problem with their billing systems. If you can't trust their automated billing system for one transaction then you can't trust it for any transaction.

I think you should pass it to comreg and indicate that you don't have faith in their billing system, given that they have made repeated errors over time.

Just by a complete coincidence, I read an article by John Smith in yesterdays Sunday Independent - he discovered the exact same thing with his bill - this time with Smart Telecom.
He must have read my post...

Any chance it's something to do with minimum/fixed call setup charges - e.g. the call duration is expanded out to cover this even if the actual call duration is shorter? I have to agree that it's confusing and UTV should explain the reason (if any) for it to you. I checked my bills but I make so few landline calls that I didn't have any overlapping ones. I might try a test to see what happens at billing time with immediately sequential calls.
Hi fme,

Could it possibly be that rather than terminating the first call, you merely put it on hold and then dialled the second - thus legitimately having two calls in progress simultaneously. I have seen this happen with mobile phones (Vodafone) but am not sure if its possible with landlines.