how can i get my sister home?



I wonder if anyone out there knows of a site where I can purchase tickets from us to here?
my sister lives in philadelphia and we want to surprise her by getting her tickets to come home for a visit.
Any idea of cheap flights.. it would be from Philly or Baltimore to shannon
any suggestions would be great
Go to Shannon Airport's website:
You can click on the various airlines and should be able to get info on fares from Philadelphia to Shannon (Most likely US Airways or Delta).Shannon
Try the various Airline Websites - at least to get prices, some are fussy about only taking US issued credit cards. I'm sure Aer will probalby sell you a ticket no problem but I don't think they serve Baltimore anymore (it was on/off for a while but I think it's off for the moment). or you shoudl try also.

Even if the website won't sell you the ticket as you don't have a US credit card (they may/may not do I'm not sure) then call their office in Dublin they should do sell you the ticket no problem ... It used to be the case that there were a lot of rules regarding where tickets were purchased but I believe most of these have recently been lifted so you should not be penalised for buying a US orginating ticket when you are not in the US (years ago it definintely would have cost you extra)