How can I get buskers moved on?


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Hi There

Can anyone please advise what the laws are in relation to busking on the street. I have been informed after a number of calls to the dept of the enviorment, Dublin City Council waste management dept(who deal with noise pollution) that busking is illegal, no permits are issued and it is the guards responsibility to move them on. I am asking for the following reason, I am working in an office block based on Henry Street, we are subjected to a loud 4 piece band with 3 speakers who play the same 5 songs everyday. We have placed calls to the guards who have had a quck chat with them but have not moved them on. They are making a fortune and selling cds at €10 a pop and are also paying off other buskers who takle 'their pitch'. Were at our wits end as the noise volumes are excessive and go on from about 3-6 each day. Is there anything that can be done to move them on?

Have you taken advice from the organisation which represents city centre shops, although they might welcome buskers as they add life to the city.
I used to work in a shop on Grafton street and regularly had buskers moved on by the Gardai. Obviously it wasn't an issue at the top of their list, but the station would ask the garda on the beat to move them on the next time he passed them. If he didn't I would ring back a second and third time.
Now having said that, this used to occur every second weekend. Its not as if the Gardai would scare them off for good.
I'm surprised that the shops nearby have not asked for them to be moved on? Marks and Spencer appear to have a no tolerance attitude to this.

Have your empoyers made representations?
We have a number of office based depts over 2 floors and have made a number of calls to the guards in fact one dept has called them everyday for the last week with nothing happening to move them on.We are at a loss on what to do, its very stressful and difficult to conduct phone calls etc whilst they are playing. The noise levels really are excessive. The worst thing is the crowds they are attracting and money they appear to be making is only encouraging them to return each day.
Surely if you make a complaint to Dublin City Council about noise pollution, they have to investigate and take action if needed. As Brendan suggested you should talk to other businesses and see how they feel about it.
I have been in a similar situation at my place of work in the centre of Galway ...which is a magnet for buskers.

For starters, they can be arrested for selling CDs because they definitely don't have a permit. Put in a call to the City Council who will send a Community Warden to fine them EVERY time they set up.

From my own experience, I have assembled a group of others from shops and offices in the area; every time we see someone setting up with any type of amplification, we nip it in the bud and individually tell the busker(s) that they cannot interfere with each of our businesses. We don't let them start. We have a 100% success rate. We don't shout at them but we do threaten to call the cops.

We welcome/tolerate all other buskers except the guys who have speakers.

Thanks Hillstart that was very helpful information. One of the guys got on to DCC this morning and the band made no appearance today so perhaps it has worked! I will update again tomorrow to see if they show up or if they were just taking a day off to spend all their earnings!!!
Also Hillstart i agree re busakers without speakers I can listen to these just not the type with amps etc...

Galway City Council want to encourage busking but I understand that they will introduce a strict by-law which will ban amplification, groups of more than 4 people busking, using rope to create a performance area and the use of certain items such as fire, knives etc